flea extermination near me

Fleas might be small, but their impact on your home and well-being can be massive. With over 2,500 species of fleas across the globe, with more than 300 of them found in the United States. Fortunately, only a handful of these species pose health risks to people and pets here in Sarasota.

Among the most common culprits are the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) and the dog flea (Ctenocephalides canis), which often trouble our pets. There are also the ground squirrel flea (Oropsylla montana) and the Oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis), which can pose risks in certain environments.

While they’re often associated with summer, fleas can strike any time, making it crucial to understand how to get rid of fleas effectively. Their long lifecycle means moderate to severe infestations can take months to control.

A strategic four-step approach—diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and cleaning—is key to eliminating them from your life. Rushing this process could lead to reinfestation, leaving you and your pets in a constant battle. While not all fleas are harmful, the ones that are can bring serious health concerns—making prevention key to keeping your home and loved ones safe.

Key Takeaways

  • Four-Step Flea Elimination: Effective flea control involves diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and thorough cleaning, ensuring a strategic approach to eradicate these pests.
  • Pet Treatment Priority: Bathing and combing with mild soap and a flea comb are crucial first steps. Follow up with vet-recommended medications or treatments for lasting protection.
  • Home Cleaning Regimen: Regular vacuuming, washing pet bedding in hot water, and steam cleaning can disrupt the flea lifecycle by removing eggs, larvae, and adult fleas.
  • Outdoor Prevention: Maintain well-groomed lawns, trim foliage to increase sunlight exposure, and use natural deterrents like cedar chips and nematodes to make outdoor areas inhospitable for fleas.
  • Integrated Pest Management: Combine indoor, outdoor, pet-focused, and wildlife management strategies for a comprehensive and sustainable approach to achieving a flea-free environment.
  • Consistent Vigilance: Regular check-ups, cleaning, and preventive measures are essential to break the flea lifecycle, especially in favorable climates like Sarasota’s.

What are Fleas?

Fleas are parasitic insects that live on pets and humans, feeding on their blood. These reddish-brown, wingless insects can jump long distances and are commonly found in fur or on bedding. Fleas can cause skin irritation, allergic reactions, and spread diseases, making early treatment and prevention critical for pet and home care.

Flea Identification

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Cat Fleas

Cat fleas are tiny parasites that love to make themselves comfortable on your pets, feeding on their blood and causing constant itching and irritation. When infestations emerge it can cause our pets to have allergic reactions, leading to hair loss and painful open sores, which no pet owner wants to see. Worse still, these fleas aren’t just an itchy nuisance—they can carry dangerous diseases that threaten both your cat’s health and your family’s well-being.

Cat Fleas: Identification, Health Risks, and Control

Cat Fleas

How to Identify Cat Fleas

  • Scientific Name: Ctenocephalides felis
  • Size: Small, typically measuring about 1/8 inch (2-3 mm) in length.
  • Appearance: Dark brown to black, flattened body ideal for moving through fur, with long hind legs for jumping.

The Flea Life Cycle

  • Eggs: Females lay up to 50 eggs per day. Eggs are tiny, about 0.5 mm, and usually fall off the host into carpets or bedding.
  • Larvae: Hatch within a few days and feed on organic debris, including adult flea droppings, until ready to pupate.
  • Pupae: Enter a cocoon stage, where they remain until vibrations or warmth trigger emergence.
  • Adults: Fully formed fleas emerge, seeking a blood meal to survive and reproduce.

Health Risks Associated with Fleas

Cat fleas are not just an annoyance; they can cause significant health problems for both pets and humans:

  • Irritation and Allergies: Flea bites can lead to intense itching and skin irritation. Some cats develop flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), causing extreme discomfort and infections.
  • Anemia: Severe infestations can lead to blood loss, particularly in kittens, which may result in anemia.
  • Parasite Transmission: Fleas can carry tapeworms, which pets can ingest when grooming.

Managing and Preventing Flea Infestations

Prevention Tips

  • Flea Preventatives: Regular application of flea preventatives is essential. Options include topical treatments (like Frontline Plus) and oral medications (like Capstar).
  • Regular Grooming: Use a flea comb to regularly check your pet’s fur, especially during warmer months.
  • Clean Environment: Wash bedding and vacuum floors frequently to remove any flea eggs or larvae present in the home.

Treatment Options

  • Topical or Oral Treatments: Products such as Advantage or Revolution kill fleas quickly and provide ongoing protection.
  • Vacuuming: Regularly vacuum carpets, rugs, and upholstery. Immediately dispose of vacuum bags to prevent reinfestation.
  • Environmental Sprays: Use flea sprays or insect growth regulators (IGRs) to kill flea eggs and larvae in the environment.

Cat fleas can be tenacious pests, but with regular prevention and thorough treatment, they can be kept under control, ensuring both you and your pet remain comfortable and flea-free.

Dog Fleas

Dog fleas are more than just a pesky inconvenience; they’re a real concern for pet owners in Sarasota. These tiny parasites latch onto your dog, causing itching, discomfort, and sometimes even allergic reactions that lead to hair loss or skin infections.

Florida’s warm weather makes it an ideal environment for fleas to thrive, meaning that even a short walk can turn into an infestation waiting to happen. Beyond the irritation, dog fleas can transmit harmful diseases to both dogs and humans.

Dog Fleas: Characteristics, Life Cycle, and Control

Dog Fleas

How to Identify Dog Fleas

  • Scientific Name: Ctenocephalides canis
  • Size: Small, approximately 1/8 inch (2-3 mm) in length, with a flat, narrow body.
  • Color: Dark brown to black, with long hind legs for jumping, making them expert leapers between hosts.

Understanding the Flea Life Cycle

  • Eggs: Female fleas lay up to 50 eggs daily, which fall off the host. Eggs hatch in 1 to 10 days.
  • Larvae: These feed on organic debris like flea feces until they mature into pupae.
  • Pupae: Flea pupae can remain dormant for weeks to months until warmth and vibrations prompt their emergence.
  • Adults: Adult fleas emerge ready to feed and reproduce, typically jumping onto the nearest host they detect.

Health Concerns for Your Pet

  • Allergies and Irritation: Flea bites can cause severe itching, leading to skin infections or flea allergy dermatitis (FAD).
  • Anemia: Large infestations can lead to anemia, especially in puppies or smaller dogs, due to significant blood loss.
  • Parasites: Fleas can transmit tapeworms when pets ingest them during grooming sessions.

Effective Management and Prevention

Prevention Strategies

  • Flea Treatments: Use preventative products consistently, such as topical treatments like Frontline or oral medications like NexGard.
  • Regular Grooming: Use flea combs to catch and remove fleas, particularly during high-risk times of the year.
  • Environmental Hygiene: Clean your dog’s bedding weekly and vacuum carpets and furniture to reduce flea populations.

Control and Eradication

  • Vacuum Frequently: Regular vacuuming can remove eggs, larvae, and pupae from carpets and upholstery. Always empty the vacuum bag immediately.
  • Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs): Use sprays containing IGRs to prevent larvae from developing into adult fleas.
  • Professional Treatment: Consult pest control services if home treatments are not sufficient to control the infestation.

Dog fleas can be stubborn pests, but with diligent preventive care and an integrated approach, infestations can be effectively managed and prevented, ensuring a comfortable life for your furry companion.

Managing a Flea Infestation

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Managing a flea infestation requires a reliable approach that combines pet treatment, home cleaning, and preventive measures. Each step tackles these persistent pests and their complex life cycle.

Treating Your Pets

Bathing and combing your pets is the first defense line against fleas. Bathe them gently with lukewarm water and mild soap; dish soap might help drown adult fleas. Combing with a fine-tooth flea comb aims to catch and kill fleas effectively. Use a solution of water and dish soap to rinse the comb frequently. Follow your veterinarian’s advice on selecting flea medications or treatments, whether oral tablets, topical liquids, or chewable pills. Consult a vet to ensure safe and effective treatment customized to your pet’s needs, including age and health conditions. Flea collars offer preventative relief against subsequent infestations.

Cleaning Your Home

A meticulous cleaning routine of your living space is essential for getting rid of fleas. Focus on thoroughly washing pet bedding, rugs, and other frequented areas. Vacuuming carpets and floor edges ensures that flea eggs and larvae are removed. Vacuuming stimulates pupae to hatch, increasing exposure to residual insecticides. It’s crucial to maintain these sanitation practices continuously, especially in areas where pets spend time.

Sarasota Pest Control Near Me

Effective Flea Control Services in Sarasota!

Say goodbye to unwanted pests! Contact Sarasota Pest Control at (941) 297-2606 today for quick and efficient pest management. Proudly serving Sarasota, FL, we ensure a pest-free home for your peace of mind.

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Implementing Preventive Measures

Outdoor and indoor prevention strategies help thwart future infestations. Treat your yard, particularly shaded regions, with insecticides approved by pest management professionals. Open up spaces to sunlight by removing low-hanging branches; sunlight exposure diminishes flea populations. Coordinate outdoor treatment with home and pet care on the same day for maximum effectiveness.

Captivating pest control experts ensures safe application of products while addressing the risk factors unique to Sarasota’s environment. Staying vigilant with these measures and treatments, even though fleas’ resilience to certain stages of their life cycle, supports an effective long-term solution to keep your environment flea-free.

Eliminating Fleas at the Source

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To effectively get rid of fleas, focus on treating both your pets and their living environment. Fleas thrive in humid conditions and shady areas, making Sarasota’s climate ideal for their proliferation. Begin by addressing these potential hotspots.

Pet Treatment: Bathing and combing your pets serve as the first defense against fleas. Use mild soap and a fine-tooth flea comb to remove fleas effectively. Consider prescription or over-the-counter flea medications but consult your veterinarian to ensure you’re using safe and effective options.

Home Environment: Thorough home cleaning disrupts the flea lifecycle. Vacuum all surfaces, paying close attention to crevices where flea eggs and larvae hide. Use a vacuum with a disposable bag and steam clean carpets for further assurance. Wash your pet’s bedding in hot water to kill any fleas that might linger there.

Outdoor Areas: Regular lawn care is critical in preventing fleas from breeding in your yard. Mow the lawn consistently to prevent fleas from hiding in tall grass. Spread cedar chips in areas where your pet frequents, as fleas dislike the smell. Consider using nematodes, which are small worms known to consume flea larvae, offering a biological control method.

Wildlife Management: Since animals like opossums and squirrels can introduce fleas, focus on deterring them from your property. The Humane Society suggests creating unwelcoming conditions without harm, such as trimming back vegetation and securing trash bins.

Combining these methods and adapting them to Sarasota’s environment can help you control and eventually eliminate fleas. Consistent vigilance and appropriate preventive measures contribute significantly to long-term success in keeping your pets and home flea-free.

Prepare Your Home for Flea Treatment

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Effective preparation is vital to getting rid of fleas from your home in Sarasota. Begin by vacuuming thoroughly. Use a powerful vacuum to clean floors, upholstery, and mattresses, especially where your pet relaxes. Opt for a vacuum with a disposable bag to prevent fleas from escaping. Consider using baking soda or salt on carpets for a natural solution. These substances dehydrate and kill fleas; leave them for 24 hours before vacuuming.

For thorough sanitation, steam clean carpets, furniture, and pet beds. High heat effectively kills fleas at any lifecycle stage. Following these steps helps control fleas biologically and environmentally by disrupting their reproduction.

Laundry plays a crucial role in flea removal. Wash all bedding, including your pet’s, in hot water with detergent. Dry on the highest heat setting to kill fleas, eggs, and larvae. In severe cases, discard old bedding to prevent flea recurrence. Washing textiles eradicates indoor fleas, aligning with biological flea control strategies.

Treat your pet simultaneously with your home. This ensures a holistic approach to interrupting the flea life cycle. Consult your vet for the best treatment for your pet. It may involve oral tablets, topical liquids, or flea collars, each customized to your pet’s needs.

Improving outdoor spaces further aids flea control. Remove low-hanging branches and brush to increase sunlight, reducing shady areas where fleas thrive. If needed, apply residual insecticide according to the label under a pest management professional’s guidance. These measures sustainably restore the balance between human habitats and flea ecology.

Removing Pets and Children from the Home

Ensuring the safety of your pets and children during flea treatment is crucial in Sarasota’s humid climate, where fleas thrive. Simultaneously, protect the environment by removing pets like cats, dogs, birds, or fish, and covering aquariums and cages to prevent exposure to insecticides or cleaning agents. As biological control measures play a role, keep pets and children away from treated areas to reduce health risks while addressing flea issues at their biological source.

For effective home treatment, carry out comprehensive procedures by removing all family members during chemical applications. This minimizes exposure to harmful substances and ensures thorough coverage in infested areas. Kids and pets can unknowingly disrupt treatment efforts as senior entomologists emphasize creating a controlled network free of interruption is vital to get rid of fleas effectively.

Strategies for Severe Flea Infestations

fleas in yard extermination near me

Addressing severe flea infestations requires a comprehensive approach focusing on pets and their environment. Begin with pet treatment as the cornerstone. Bathing your dog with lukewarm water and mild soap effectively drowns adult fleas. A fine-tooth flea comb assists in removing fleas from the coat, and dipping it in a solution of water and dish soap prevents fleas from escaping. Consulting a veterinarian for prescription flea medications such as oral tablets and topical treatments ensures a methodical eradication of fleas and addresses all life stages.

Carry out home treatment along with pet treatment to disrupt fleas’ life cycle. Thoroughly clean areas where fleas breed by washing all bedding and vacuuming extensively. Focus on carpets and edges of walls. Engage a licensed commercial pest control applicator to choose the best products for inside your home and yard. Outdoor treatment should target shady areas where fleas thrive.

Sanitation plays a pivotal role in management. Ongoing vacuuming and cleaning practices help eliminate flea eggs and juveniles that may have escaped initial treatment. Aerosol sprays, directed under beds and in hard-to-reach places, are preferred over foggers. Be sure to use those containing both an adulticide and insect growth regulator.

Sarasota Pest Control Near Me

Effective Flea Control Services in Sarasota!

Say goodbye to unwanted pests! Contact Sarasota Pest Control at (941) 297-2606 today for quick and efficient pest management. Proudly serving Sarasota, FL, we ensure a pest-free home for your peace of mind.

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Consider using topical and oral prescriptions to tackle fleas directly and efficiently. Topical medications, like those tested by the US Food and Drug Administration, stop fleas’ reproductive cycle and rapidly kill infestations. Oral options, such as chewables containing ingredients like those in Capstar, take effect as fleas bite your pet. Both options ensure you get rid of fleas systematically.

When dealing with a flea infestation in Sarasota’s humid climate, managing both outdoor spaces and wildlife is crucial. Regular lawn care helps prevent fleas from breeding outside, while cedar chips can deter these pests. Use of nematodes for biological control is another sustainable method to curb flea populations. Wildlife management prevents other animals from introducing fleas to your environment.

These strategies, built on expert insights, provide a clear path to eliminate severe flea infestations and maintain a flea-free living space.

Developing a Flea Extermination Plan

flea control sarasota pest control

Creating an effective flea extermination plan involves understanding fleas’ biology, addressing common breeding grounds, and maintaining ongoing treatment procedures.

Understanding Flea Biology

Fleas have a complex life cycle with four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Disrupting this cycle is crucial to get rid of fleas. These pests thrive in humid environments like Sarasota’s, making them challenging to control without targeted strategies.

Preparation Before Treatment

Before treatment, organize your space. Clear carpets of loose items, wash pet bedding in hot water, and perform thorough vacuuming. Focus on areas where pets spend time, as fleas often hide in bedding and carpet fibers. Use a vacuum with a beater-bar brush to remove eggs and larvae.

Indoor and Outdoor Treatments

Simultaneous indoor and outdoor treatments maximize results. Indoors, continue regular vacuuming and clean upholstery thoroughly, ensuring hidden crevices are covered. Treat outdoor spaces by mowing lawns and removing organic debris to reduce flea habitats. Applying insecticides in high-traffic pet areas can reduce the flea population.

Pet Treatment Coordination

Treat every pet in your home to break the flea life cycle. Bathe them with mild soap and use a flea comb for precise removal. Consider consulting a veterinarian for effective flea control products customized to your pets’ needs.

Ongoing Management

Continue monitoring both indoors and outdoors after initial treatment. Keep shaded areas clear and exposed to sunlight, naturally deterring fleas. Use cedar chips in garden beds to repel fleas with their scent.

With this structured plan, you can effectively manage and get rid of fleas in Sarasota, ensuring a healthier environment for you, your pets, and your home.

Tips for Eradicating Fleas from Carpets

flea extermination near me

Effectively getting rid of fleas from carpets enhances home comfort and pet safety. Begin with an essential focus on vacuuming, which disrupts the flea life cycle. Use a high-quality vacuum with strong suction, especially around baseboards and furniture. In Sarasota’s humid climate, this process becomes crucial due to the favorable conditions it provides for flea proliferation.

Employ natural remedies like baking soda or salt, both acting as desiccants that kill fleas by drying them out. Sprinkle baking soda over your carpet, scrub it gently, then vacuum it up thoroughly. Similarly, apply salt, leave it for 48 hours, and vacuum. These methods reduce reliance on chemicals and support environmental safety.

Diatomaceous earth offers another non-toxic solution. Opt for food-grade versions, sprinkle them on carpets, massage it in, and let it sit for 24 to 48 hours. This distinctly affects the fleas by dehydrating them without harming pets or family members. Sarasota’s sunny weather can amplify its effectiveness by improving the product’s drying action.

Regular steam cleaning augments your flea eradication efforts, targeting fleas in all life stages through extreme heat. Focus on carpets and pet bedding where fleas flourish. The high temperatures destroy not only adult fleas but also eggs and larvae, providing a thorough cleanse.

Maintain a consistent cleaning routine for pet bedding. Hot water and detergent efficiently eliminate fleas and prevent re-infestation by keeping their living spaces hygienic. This process ensures your efforts to eradicate fleas extend beyond the carpet, securing all potential breeding grounds in your home.

Integrate these methods into your home care regimen for effective and lasting prevention against flea infestations in Sarasota’s environment. Implementing these diverse strategies creates a holistic approach that aligns with both biological control and household safety, ensuring a flea-free zone for family and pets alike.

Remaining Vigilant Against Fleas

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To effectively keep fleas at bay in Sarasota’s humid environment, consistent preventative measures are crucial. Maintaining a rigorous routine can help you get rid of fleas and prevent them from returning.

Pet Protection

Protect your pets year-round by using flea collars and regularly consulting your veterinarian for suitable oral tablets or topical treatments. These products not only target fleas but also provide protection against other parasites like ticks and lice. Flea collars with safety features, such as the Seresto collar, start working within 24 hours and last up to eight months.

Home Environment

Regular cleaning routines in your home play a key role in preventing flea infestations. Vacuum carpets, upholstery, and baseboards frequently to capture flea eggs and larvae. Wash pet bedding in hot water and dry it on high heat to ensure no stage of the flea life cycle survives.

Outdoor Spaces

Address outdoor areas where your pets spend time. Fleas thrive in shady, humid places, so trim foliage and allow sunlight to penetrate shaded areas. A licensed pest control professional can apply insecticides specifically designed for outdoor use. Also, consider natural deterrents like cedar chips and beneficial nematodes to create an inhospitable environment for fleas.

Lifecycle Disruption

Understand that fleas have a complex life cycle. To eliminate them fully and prevent future infestations, regular follow-up treatments are necessary. Schedule these treatments 5-10 days apart, focusing on removing eggs and juvenile fleas through comprehensive cleaning and vacuuming. This approach will significantly disrupt the flea life cycle, aiding long-term flea control.

By implementing these steps and staying vigilant, you’ll actively contribute to a flea-free environment that benefits both your pets and family.

Tips for Eliminating Fleas from Your Yard

fleas in yard extermination near me

To get rid of fleas effectively, focus on maintaining a well-kept yard. Fleas thrive in shaded, humid, and warm environments—conditions common in Sarasota’s tropical climate. By reducing these favorable elements, you can significantly diminish the flea population in your yard.

Yard Maintenance

Regular lawn care is essential. Mow your lawn frequently, as short grass exposes larvae to sunlight, making it inhospitable for them. Always bag the clippings to prevent flea habitats from increasing. Clear any debris such as dead leaves and twigs from shrubs and flower beds, aiding in reducing flea hideouts.

Reduce Shady Areas

Modify the environment to make it less accommodating for fleas. Trim trees and bushes to enhance sunlight exposure. Fleas dislike sunny spots, and increasing such areas deters their presence. Removing low-hanging branches further minimizes shaded and humid spaces.

Use Nematodes

Biological control is a sustainable approach. Nematodes, tiny soil-dwelling worms, consume flea larvae. You can purchase them from local garden centers. An application in spring and summer is most effective, but ensure it’s customized to Sarasota’s climate patterns.

Treat Outdoor Pet Areas

Pet zones are primary targets. Clean and treat kennels, dog runs, and any areas where pets rest outside. Spreading cedar chips around these spaces can repel fleas due to their dislike of the smell. Sulfur powder is another natural option to inhibit flea hatching.

Wildlife Management

Consider the wildlife factor. Animals like opossums and squirrels in your yard can be flea carriers. To gently encourage them to leave without harm, use humane practices like noise deterrents. This reduces the chance of new flea infestations brought in by these visitors.

By addressing each of these factors, you not only create an unfriendly environment for fleas but also establish a healthier yard for your family and pets. Understanding and disrupting their biological and environmental preferences helps in maintaining a flea-free outdoor space.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the first steps to take if I find fleas in my home?

Begin by treating your pets with a mild soap bath and a fine-tooth flea comb to remove adult fleas. Simultaneously, consult your veterinarian for appropriate flea medication. Ensure you clean your home by vacuuming thoroughly and washing pet bedding. Implement these initial steps to reduce flea populations effectively.

How can I prevent fleas from infesting my home year-round?

To prevent fleas continuously, protect your pets with reliable flea preventive treatments, such as flea collars or spot-on products. Maintain a strict cleaning routine in your home, particularly in high-traffic and pet-frequented areas. Regularly treat outdoor spaces, pay attention to yard maintenance, and ensure adequate sunlight exposure to reduce flea habitats.

What natural remedies can I use to combat fleas in carpets?

Natural remedies such as baking soda, salt, and diatomaceous earth are effective non-toxic solutions for fleas. These substances dehydrate fleas, killing them over time. Regularly apply these remedies to carpets, and complement them with steam cleaning for robust flea control and removal from home fabrics.

Why is it important to treat both pets and the home simultaneously for fleas?

Treating both pets and the home is crucial because fleas live not only on animals but also in their environment. Simultaneous treatment breaks the flea life cycle, ensuring fleas don’t re-infest pets or spread around the home. This holistic approach maximizes the effectiveness of eradication efforts.

What are effective outdoor strategies to keep fleas at bay?

To deter fleas outdoors, engage in regular lawn care and reduce shaded areas to expose these spaces to sunlight. Apply approved biological controls, like nematodes, in your yard. Manage wildlife interaction to prevent new flea introductions and enhance the overall effectiveness of flea control.

How can I ensure the safety of my pets during flea treatments?

During flea treatments, temporarily relocate pets from treatment areas and cover aquariums to avoid exposure to chemicals. Choose safe treatment options under veterinary guidance, and follow comprehensive safety procedures to minimize health risks to your animals during and after treatment.

How long does it take to eliminate fleas completely from a home?

Eliminating fleas from a home can take several weeks to months, depending on infestation severity. Implement ongoing cleaning, pet treatments, and preventive measures diligently for the best results. Heavy infestations might require professional pest control services for comprehensive eradication efforts.

How do humidity and climate affect flea infestations?

Fleas thrive in humid environments, which accelerates their life cycle and population growth. In humid climates like Sarasota, vigilant year-round flea management through environmental controls, pet treatments, and rigorous cleaning is essential to prevent and reduce severe flea infestations.

get rid of fleas in sarasota florida

Get Rid Of Fleas In Sarasota, FL

Fleas might be small, but their impact on your home and well-being can be massive. With over 2,500 species of fleas across the globe, with more than 300 of them found in the United States. Fortunately, only a handful of these species pose health risks to people and pets here in Sarasota. Among the most common culprits are the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) and the dog flea (Ctenocephalides canis), which often trouble our pets. There are also the ground squirrel flea (Oropsylla montana) and the Oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis), which can pose risks in certain environments. While they’re often associated with summer, fleas can strike any time, making it crucial to understand how to get rid of fleas effectively. Their long

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