At Sarasota Pest Control, we understand the unique challenges that Sarasota’s diverse neighborhoods face from these relentless invaders. We don’t just eliminate termites; we provide comprehensive termite treatment solutions that includes advanced detection systems suited for Sarasota’s climate, subtle treatments that maintain your property’s curb appeal, and proactive strategies to ward off future infestations.

Don’t allow termites to jeopardize your Sarasota home. Protect your slice of Sarasota sunshine with effective termite control, tailored to the unique needs of our coastal community. For expert termite control, call (855) 926-0203 today!

Dampwood Termites: Unlike their subterranean cousins, dampwood termites prefer wood with high moisture content and don’t need soil moisture. They feast on decaying wood, making them a significant issue in damp or neglected areas.

Drywood Termites: Drywood termites thrive in dry wood with low humidity. They don’t require soil contact and can infest structural timbers, furniture, and even wooden picture frames. These silent invaders create colonies entirely within the wood they consume, making detection challenging until significant damage has occurred.

Subterranean Termites: Tiny, tough, and tricky—these pests measure about one-eighth of an inch and are hard to spot until it’s too late. They draw moisture from the soil and devour wood cellulose.

Eliminate termites with our premium termite treatments! We offer three cutting-edge services, each providing advanced protection while minimizing inconvenience. Our skilled technicians ensure thorough coverage, leaving no area untreated. Safeguard your property with our unmatched termite treatment solutions!

Sarasota Pest Control provides an exceptional termite guarantee, offering comprehensive protection that goes beyond standard industry practices. Our coverage ensures Sarasota homeowners enjoy both thorough termite elimination and lasting peace of mind.

Our termite guarantee is extensive, covering unlimited service and repairs for new damage from termites or wood-destroying insects, with no cap on retreatments. We protect not just your home’s structure but also your belongings. With annual termite inspections and a transferable guarantee, we offer enduring protection that benefits even future homeowners.

Our approach is uniquely comprehensive, termite targeting not only common termites but also Formosan termites, drywood termites, powder post beetles, and old house borers. We even treat exposed wood in attics and crawl spaces, ensuring complete protection for your Sarasota home.

Termites are small, wood-eating insects in the order Blattodea. They live in colonies with different castes (queen, king, workers, soldiers, alates) and can cause significant structural damage to buildings.

Main types of termites:

  • Subterranean: Live underground, most common and destructive.
  • Drywood: Infest dry wood, don’t need soil contact.
  • Dampwood: Prefer moist, decaying wood.
  • Conehead: Less common, aggressive feeders.

Termites feed on cellulose in wood and plant materials. Signs of infestation include discarded wings, mud tubes, and hollow-sounding wood. 

Termite warranties are crucial in Florida as homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover termite damage. Options include:

  1. Retreatment and Repair Warranties: Cover both treatments and damage repairs
  2. Retreatment-Only Warranties: Provide treatments but no repair coverage

Renewal options include annual or multi-year plans. For new homes, initial builder’s warranties expire after one year, requiring renewal. In existing homes, warranties can be transferred to new owners or purchased if none exist.

These warranties help protect homeowners from potentially costly termite damage and treatments.

Sarasota Pest Control offers a comprehensive termite guarantee that stands out in the industry. It covers unlimited retreatments and repairs for new damage caused by termites and other wood-destroying insects, including both the structure and contents of your home. We offer annual inspections and is transferable to new owners if you sell your property. Coverage extends to Eastern Subterranean, Formosan Subterranean, and Drywood Termites, as well as Powder Post Beetles and Old House Borers. They also provide direct treatment for exposed wood in attics and crawl spaces.

Sarasota Pest Control offers both retreatment and repair warranties and retreatment-only options, with various renewal periods available. For new homes, builder’s warranties usually expire after one year, requiring homeowner renewal. The cost of renewal is based on the home’s size. By including Formosan and subterranean termites at no extra charge, this comprehensive coverage can potentially save homeowners thousands in repair costs. Sarasota Pest Control provides free, no-obligation termite inspections for those interested in protecting their homes from these destructive pests.

For the best termite control near you, rely on our top-notch services tailored to local pest challenges. When searching for “best termite company near me,” you’ll find that our expertise sets us apart. By choosing us for your “termite treatment near me” needs, you’re partnering with local experts dedicated to maintaining a termite-free environment. We stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and products to provide you with the most effective and efficient solutions.

We do not do WDOs. Typically these are done by home inspectors.