Get Rid Of Spiders In Sarasota, FL

get rid of spiders in sarasota florida

If you’re trying to get rid of spiders in Sarasota, FL, you’re not alone. With Sarasota’s warm, humid climate, it’s no surprise that spiders thrive in this area. Home to over 900 species of spiders, including the harmless yet intimidating Wolf Spider and the venomous Black Widow, Sarasota can be a haven for these eight-legged […]

Identifying Poisonous Spiders in Sarasota, FL

brown recluse spider sarasota fl

Imagine you’re lounging at home in Southwest Florida, perhaps reading a book, when out of the corner of your eye, you spot a spider. Eck! It’s not just any spider though; it’s a brown recluse, one of the most venomous spiders in Florida. These critters are known for their dangerous bite that can cause Loxoscelism, […]